ACISM, Italian Association of meter manufacturers, was established in 1991 and has been operating within ANIMA (Federation of the Italian Associations of Mechanical and Engineering Industries, member of Confindustria) from 1997. ACISM aims at studying and solving the sectorial problems and at supporting member-companies in their activities, targeting top quality. In particular the Association aims at solving technical-legislative problems and has established a close co-operation with the involved Authorities that allows ACISM to report and discuss the needs of its membership. | |
ALICE, the European Technology Platform (ETP) on Logistics, is set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation in Europe. The platform will support and assist the implementation of the EU Programme for research: Horizon 2020. ALICE is based on the recognition of the need for an overarching view on logistics and supply chain planning and control, in which shippers and logistics service providers closely collaborate to reach efficient logistics and supply chain operations. ALICE is led by industry and will establish a broad collaboration framework built upon main stakeholders operating at European level and national triple helix networks that include public bodies, companies and excellence research centres in logistics operating throughout Europe. ALICE ultimate challenge will be to contribute to a European industry resilient by a true “people, planet and profit” oriented logistics and supply chain sector, i.e. a sector that is economically, environmental and socially sustainable contributing to both industry competitiveness and the EU policy targets. Future research should focus on new concepts in which increased collaboration and coordination will eventually result in the Physical Internet, where complete horizontal and vertical supply chain collaboration takes place. |
ANIE Automazione, Italian Association for Industrial Automation, represents Italian companies providing technologies for industrial automation, process and networks. | |
ANITEC, the National ICT and CE Association, is the representative body of the leading companies operating in Italy in ICT and CE sector. Anitec is member of Confindustria and founding member of Confindustria Digitale. At European level, Anitec is member of Digital Europe and partner of Eito. Anitec mission is the development of the Country through the implementation of digital skills and processes. The Association provides its associated companies with information and support on important topics such as environment, trade, consumers guarantee licensing, market access, broadband, regulatory and technical matters and in general on all digital agenda topics . Anitec is recognized by Italian and EU authorities and provides position papers in line with the mission. ANITEC represents the most innovative IT, Telecommunications and Consumer Electronics Companies strongly committed to innovation, know-how and focused activities. EU Initiatives: Anitec coordinates at a national level… e-Skills for Jobs 2014 – this campaign is part of the Commission’s Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs – an EU-wide multi-stakeholder partnership designed to address a shortfall in the number of European citizens with ICT professional skills, and to exploit the employment creation potential of ICT. Watify – Stimulating Digital Entrepreneurship – The aim of the initiative is to foster digital entrepreneurship in Europe. It offers inspiration, practical support and advice for entrepreneurs and existing businesses, helping them to fully realize the opportunities for both business growth and innovation by using digital technologies. …and it is national partner of: Technology and innovation for smart publishing (TISP) – The TISP network aims at creating a platform for publishers and technology providers to promote wider collaboration so to make available expertise and tools on innovation and technology to publishing industry in a mutual exchange of ideas and experience between the two sectors. |
BAIA, Business Association Italy America, è una associazione senza scopo di lucro che favorisce iniziative imprenditoriali promosse da operatori italiani e americani e, in particolare, facilita i rapporti tra il sistema produttivo e della ricerca italiano e attori economici basati nella Silicon Valley. L’Associazione è un organismo indipendente ed autonomo, finanziato dai propri membri e dai propri sponsors. BAIA è aperta ad individui, imprese e associazioni. Suo principale obiettivo è il supporto alle imprese, a singoli imprenditori o a liberi professionisti che desiderano avviare o espandere le proprie attività in California e negli U.S.A. |
Beecham Research Limited (BRL) is a technology market research, analysis and consulting firm originally established in 1991. Beecham Research focuses on the growing M2M (machine-to-machine) market and the increasing use of Remote Device Management and Services – also often referred to by terms such as: Embedded Connectivity, Embedded Networking, Remote Device Monitoring, Remote Asset Management, Pervasive Internet and Pervasive Computing. The management of BRL is well known in the industry and has provided consulting and research services for many of the leading telecom operators, hardware suppliers, resellers and distributors in the sector for many years. We have been working in the international M2M market for over a decade, since 2001. We frequently speak at and chair conferences and seminars and organize our own events with our partners. Our research methods are unique in this industry and include detailed, regular surveys of adopter companies. Our background experience goes well beyond analysis and consulting and includes extensive general management experience of running manufacturing and service businesses. |
Berg Insight is a dedicated M2M/IoT market research firm based in Sweden. We have been specialising in all major M2M/IoT verticals such as fleet management, car telematics, smart metering, smart homes, mHealth and industrial M2M since 2004. Our vision is to be the most valuable source of intelligence for our customers. Berg Insight offers numerous market reports, detailed market forecast databases and advisory services. In addition to M2M/IoT, we are also active within Location-Based Services, mobile Value-Added Services and Next Generation Technologies. We have provided analytical services to 750 clients in 69 countries on six continents to date. Our customers range from many of the world’s largest mobile operators, IT companies and telecom vendors, to venture capitalists, technology start-ups and specialist consultants. Find out more at | |
CSA Italy is a not-for profit association established in 2011 as national chapter of Cloud Security Alliance, an international association focused on the development and promotion of best practices to secure cloud services and infrastructures, professional certifications (CCSK) and cloud service provider certifications (STAR Registry). CSA Italy’s mission is to support the Italian market, with a particular attention on SMB and Public Administration markets, toward a more conscious and secure cloud computing adoption. | |
Nato nel 1998, con sede a Torino, CSP – Innovazione nelle ICT è un organismo di ricerca senza scopo di lucro, che svolge attività di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale, mettendo a disposizione del territorio e delle imprese i risultati concreti della sua attività.Il CSP lavora quindi per la pubblica amministrazione piemontese e svolge attività di trasferimento tecnologico verso le imprese.Il CSP è le persone che a Torino, a Ronco Canavese, a La Morra, a Borgofranco, a Novara e poi a Stoccarda, a Bruxelles e a Buenos Aires hanno lavorato e lavorano in progetti concreti per fare del digitale un’opportunità reale di sviluppo dei territori, soprattutto marginali e rurali, delle scuole, delle imprese. | |
The Fondazione Distretto Green and Hi-Tech of Monza Brianza has been instituted on the 18th June 2008 by four different entities: the Provincia di Milano (that from June 2009 passed the competences to the Provincia of Monza Brianza), the Association of the Municipalities for the Distretto High Tech Milan Brianza, Confindustria Monza Brianza and Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Artisanship and Agriculture of Monza Brianza. At the beginning of January 2015, Municipality of Monza started to be part of the Founders, tu further sustain the Distretto’s activities.The direct involvement of the founding members in the Board of Directors, inspires the guidelines for the Distretto’s acitivities, focused in the industrial sectors which see important companies that represent the history of the Territory paving the way to “aggregation” and hence “act as a clusters. “The guiding principle of the Foundation is to help revitalize the competitiveness of the territory, by widespreading and sharing the excellence available on the territory, by creating the conditions to attract new companies or to generate new “technology based” firms as well as prominent personalities. Reference sectors of activity:- ENERGY, from reduction in consumption to the promotion of energy saving, from the development and use of renewable energy to the production of components and instruments for the generation of energy coming from non-fossil sources. - ICT (Information and Communication Technology), in the areas of R&D, implementation and manufacturing of products ranging from micro-electronic devices, systems and services dedicated to telecommunications and information management.To achieve this strategic objective, the Foundation operates by identifying and promoting synergies among the High Tech companies in the territory and working to build the network and aggregate companies on:- Research and Development - Production Chain - Company Network and Territory promotion |
Energy@home is a no-profit association that, for the benefit of the environment, aims at developing & promoting technologies and services for energy efficiency in the home based upon device to device communication. The scope of the Association is currently mainly driven by the Smart Grid scenarios at the EU level. With reference to the following figure, that depicts the energy value chain and main stakeholders, the focus of Energy@home is the Smart Consumption & Micro-generation domain. |
Engerati is a central destination for delegates from leading global energy events to network, collaborate, share and engage. We provide our members with completely free access to our ever-growing archive of industry news, white papers, case studies, webinars, video presentations, interviews and blogs. Engerati is an invaluable resource to all energy professionals – nowhere else can you get such in-depth information on the global energy industry for free. | |
eSkills for Jobs 2015, part of the EU eSkills strategy, is a major cross sector, multi-stakeholder campaign from the European Commission, involving more than 650 organisations across Europe including companies, associations, education and training bodies and NGOs. In Italy the initiative is coordinated by ANITEC. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the need for citizens to improve their command of information and communication technology (ICT) skills for work. The campaign is a response to the growing demand for ICT-skilled professionals which is currently not met, despite high levels of unemployment in Europe. At the same time that many Europeans are struggling to find work, technology companies face a critical shortfall in ICT workers. Europe may experience a shortage of up to 900,000 ICT professionals by 2015, risking growth and competitiveness. Women are also significantly under-represented in ICT related jobs – less than 30% of the ICT workforce is female. Furthermore, a growing percentage of all jobs today require an understanding of ICT. Yet, half of all citizens in the European Union have no or low computer skills. eSkills for Jobs encourages citizens to develop their digital skills and access today’s job market. The campaign has been launched under the European Commission’s Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, a multi-stakeholder partnership to address the shortfall in eSkills among Europeans and encourage people to fully exploit the potential employment opportunities that ICT provides. eSkills for Jobs 2015 comprises hundreds of national and European level events as well as skills competitions, social media marketing and lobbying. Key targets groups are young people, unemployed people, ICT practitioners, enterprises (in particular SMEs) as well as business leaders and policy makers. |
Federutility è la federazione che riunisce le aziende di servizi pubblici locali che operano nei settori Energia Elettrica, Gas e Acqua. Dal 1947 senza soluzione di continuità, con denominazioni differenti ed evoluzioni organizzative, Federutility esercita la rappresentanza nazionale di questi comparti. Alle proprie associate la federazione offre servizi di assistenza e di informazione, un calendario composito di corsi di formazione, attività di consulenza su aspetti gestionali e legali e tutela presso le sedi politiche e legali Le aziende associate a Federutility, forniscono acqua attualmente a circa il 76% della popolazione, distribuiscono gas ad oltre il 35% degli abitanti ed energia elettrica a circa il 20% della popolazione italiana. Sia nel settore energetico che in quello idrico, Federutility è un punto di riferimento per quanto concerne i contratti di lavoro ed i rapporti con le Organizzazioni sindacali. Dall’anno 2000 Federutility ha dato vita a PEGASO, Fondo di Previdenza Complementare di categoria per i lavoratori dei settori idrico ed energetico (cui aderisce anche Anfida-Confindustria) che registra oltre 30.000 iscritti. |
FIT Consulting srl (FIT) is an Italian independent SME, based in Rome (Italy), founded in 1997, quality certified UNI-EN ISO 9001-2008 for: “Planning and delivery technical and scientific consulting services in transport, mobility and logistics sectors and consulting services for access to European, National and Local funding programs”. FIT built up considerable experience in management of applied research projects both on national and European level, and has earned a solid and trustworthy reputation in supporting public and private actors thanks to its professional team and R&D activities. FIT provides value-added services and research actions at every stage of project development, from proposal preparation, to its full implementation, coordination and exploitation, within several Programmes of the European Commission (e.g. DGMOVE, IEE-STEER, DGRTD, DGINFSOC, DGENV, DGEMPLOY, LIFE +, CIVITAS, JTI-FCH). FIT provides strategic support to public authorities and business partners in implementing sustainable mobility measures and business models, in order to increase competitiveness: from feasibility study, to conflict resolution and concertation at local level, to business plan and economic sustainability, until full project implementation at local level and conditions for transferability and exploitation to similar cases (good practices). FIT is able to orient public and private sectors to technology and integrated / customized services related to energy efficient and sustainable mobility according to investment plans. FIT aims at facilitating its clients to access new markets combining E-business solutions and strategic advice, penetration of new technologies and new tools, throughout sharing and transfer of know-how and best practices. FIT counts on Europe-wide network of partners which are working in different disciplines. Within the last years FIT laid a special focus on working with partners in Eastern European Countries and New Member States. | |
FONDAZIONE DON GNOCCHI is a 60 years old not-for-profit organization aimed at providing high-level, technologically-enabled rehabilitation and continuity of care. The Foundation, headquartered in Milano (Italy), holds 29 centres in 9 Italian regions, with more than 4000 beds and about 5500 operators employed. Around 3,5 millions patients access the structures yearly. Translational and clinical research is performed in several centres of Don Gnocchi Foundation and two of them have been recognized by the Ministry of Health as “IRCCS” (research hospital of national interest) in the field of rehabilitation medicine. Each year, in all of these fields, more than one hundred peer-reviewed papers are published on international journals, resulting from a large amount of research and innovation projects, shared with local and international partners and leading to translational results applicable at patient’s bed. |
They are former business owners, managers in business or retired, who have financial resources (although limited), a good network of knowledge, strong management skills and a good track record. Having a taste of running a business, the desire to acquire a stake in companies with high growthpotential and interest to monetize a significant gain at the time of; the goal of Business Angels is to contribute to the economic success of a company and the creation of new jobs. Investors ‘informal’ venture capital is the definition of the term Anglo-Saxon Italian Business Angels. | |
IoT Forum ( - The Internet of Things International Forum aims at the development of a worldwide interoperable Internet of Things, addressing technology barriers, business and societal challenges to create the conditions for a truly worldwide Internet of Things ecosystem and market. | |
IoT Week ( - The Internet of Things Week is a unique event with a global participation and a common goal – a connected global Internet of Things. The IoT Week was started back in 2011 by a group of European projects and close ties to the European Commission and the Internet of Things European Research Cluster. | |
Lab#ID is a lab aimed at performing organizational and technological feasibility studies on the adoption and usage of auto-identification systems in companies and generally organizations. Lab#ID is particularly focused on SMEs, aiming at improving their competitiveness speeding up and facilitating the adoption of technologies such as RFId, RTLS, NFC,… , and paying attention to the necessary matching between technology innovation and organizational changes. Lab#ID ( LIUC – Università Cattaneo): – – Phone + 39 0331 572226). |
Navispace AG, founded in 2003, is an international Innovation and Marketing Company with focus on convergent technologies and solutions.Navispace provides best in class: - Global open innovation programs (trademark „Innovation World Cup“) - Creation of new ecosystems and innovation platforms - International road shows and innovative event concepts - Technology Marketing and Consulting servicesWhether it is market entry or international market positioning, we define the right strategy for our clients’ technology. We offer an excellent international network of experts from research, industry, and ICT clusters for your business development. Leading ICT giants, life sciences and healthcare, research and technology as well as consumer and lifestyle companies rely on Navispace. |
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a not-for-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards for the global information society.OASIS promotes industry consensus and produces worldwide standards for security, Cloud computing, SOA, Web services, the Smart Grid, electronic publishing, emergency management, and other areas. OASIS open standards offer the potential to lower cost, stimulate innovation, grow global markets, and protect the right of free choice of technology.OASIS members broadly represent the marketplace of public and private sector technology leaders, users and influencers. The consortium has more than 5,000 participants representing over 600 organizations and individual members in 100 countries.OASIS is distinguished by its transparent governance and operating procedures. Members themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using a lightweight process expressly designed to promote industry consensus and unite disparate efforts. Completed work is ratified by open ballot. Governance is accountable and unrestricted. Officers of both the OASIS Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Board are chosen by democratic election to serve two-year terms. Consortium leadership is based on individual merit and is not tied to financial contribution, corporate standing, or special appointment. | |
sharedVISION is the most attractive networking community dedicated to CMO, CIO and CEO aimed at the development of professional relations and knowledge exchange. The concrete building of favorable partnership and working projects comes up from activities involving community members personally as web seminars, events, round tables, interviews or case studies. The sharedVISION community represents the perfect environment for vendors and end-users to get in touch with professional people working in the same or different area as well as solution providers. | |
SIMalliance is the global, non-profit industry association which simplifies secure element (SE) implementation to drive the creation, deployment and management of secure mobile services. The organisation promotes the essential role of the secure element (SE) in delivering secure mobile applications and services across all devices that can access wireless networks. By identifying and addressing SE-related technical issues, and both clarifying and recommending existing technical standards relevant to SE implementation, the SIMalliance aims to promote an open SE ecosystem to facilitate and accelerate delivery of secure mobile applications globally. SIMalliance members represent 86% of the global SIM card market. As such, the SIMalliance’s membership is responsible for delivering the most widely distributed secure application delivery platform in the world (UICC/SIM/USIM). SIMalliance members are Eastcompeace, Fundamenture, Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, Incard, Kona I, Morpho, Oasis Smart SIM, Oberthur Technologies, VALID, Watchdata, Wuhan Tianyu and XH Smartcard (Zhuhai) Co. Ltd. SIMalliance Strategic Partners are Comprion, Linxens and Movenda. For more information visit |
SmartUp – Digital Fabrication Laboratory SmartUp is a laboratory aimed at delivering technology transfer projects by performing technological scouting, feasibility studies and specialized training on rapid prototyping technologies and practices within companies and new innovation models and technologies that fall under the Internet of Things paradigm. SmartUp brings university-level knowledge to the local industrial ecosystem to ready it for the next innovation cycle. SmartUp – Laboratorio Fabbricazione Digitale (LIUC – Università Cattaneo): – – Phone + 39 0331 572226 |
M2M Forum will be held in co-location with M2M + Symposium.
High level conferences examining important international case histories are the main features of the event.
The specific purpose of the initiative is to explore the new horizons of the M2M world and the latest applications of this technology.